Dear Leentje,

Your heart is broken. This makes you feel very anxious, powerless, jealous, distraught, confused, disgusted, ashamed, dissapointed, discouraged, sad, unloved and unseen in contact with people. How harsh, heartbreaking, terrifying and sickening. This is old pain. You’ve been rejected in your need for hugs, warmth, kisses and compliments. This was not your fault. You’ve been molested. This was not your fault. You’ve been abandoned. This was not your fault. You don’t need to hide. You’re welcome to stay. You deserve(d) attention, to be accepted and protected. You are a diamond. You are important, magnificent and of value the way you are. Open up. You are safe. I am here. Receive love, attention and acceptance. You got this. You belong. You are loved. I accept you. I support you. I will communicate your boundaries, emotions and needs, if necessary with the help of others. Look at me: I see you. Princesa, bonita. Pretty, pretty princess. MWAH. On your forehead. Listen: I am thankful you’re here. Hold my hand. MWAH. On the inside of your palm. MWAH. On the outside of it.

Much love,


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