???? AFFIRM ????

Dear Leentje,

When people leave, you’re still valuable. When people die, keep them with you in your thoughts.
When people compete with you instead of themselves/try to impress you, stay focused on my voice.
When people don’t see you, I see you.
When you mature, you’ll find ways to enjoy the little things in life.
When you’re sexual boundaries were violated when you were only 4 years and even younger. No one protected you. You were unsafe. You are safe now. I’m here.
When you feel like it’s hard to be normal in a world not build for traumatized and highly sensitive souls like you. Listen to me: you are enough. I believe in you. You matter.
When you feel sadness, anger and anxiety as deep as you do. You seek me and I’ll give you attention, comfort you and reassure you.
When your traumas follow you around like shadows, tell me. I will listen and give you what you need.
When you feel like you need to fight to live, you come to me. I intend to protect you in non-toxic ways.
When you feel like you have to work very hard to feel at home in this world. You hold my hands thight and listen to me: you are loved. I love you. You are safe. Your imaginary safe place/ happy place is your home. Visit it anytime you need.
The unfairness of life is not your fault. You didn’t and don’t deserve any of it. Be mad and sad about it. Instead of ‘making it fair’ for you, I will teach you how to accept the ways things are.

Much love,


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