My breath

Taking care of what’s in my composition.

My habit of breath-holding, or breathing through my mouth, is a silent expression of my anxiety, and maybe also my highly sensitive temperament. Despite years of trying everything from breathing exercises to therapy, I couldn’t shake off this feeling. Today, it finally clicked: my breath is deeply connected to my emotions, as I’ve often heard in therapy. That’s why I made a decision today: to stop suppressing these feelings and confront them head-on. Instead of gasping for air through my mouth, I started each breath only through my nose, embracing the flood of emotions pouring out of me. Tears flowed freely, and with each exhale, I felt lighter and freer. Though I still fear showing this vulnerability, I find comfort and reassurance at homeβ€”a place where I can soothe myself safely and take care of my breath and emotions while breathing only through my nose, guided by the words I learned in therapy: “I am safe.”



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