πŸ₯‹ STOP πŸ₯‹

Dear best friend,

Today I choose to be the hero in my story, and in this scenario we all win. I accept you as a person even though I reject you sexually. The gateway to heaven is not between my legs so saying no to sex with you doesn’t take away from how healthy, happy, and rich you can be in this life. In that sense, I am unnecessary for you to feel complete and enrich your life. I don’t love you any less because I say no to you. Saying no to sex with you is actually saying yes to protecting and allowing the pure bond we have to flourish. It’s a no to the worst we can bring out in each other and a yes to the best we can bring out in each other. It’s a no to a shadow side, and a yes to safety and civilization. As a healthy adult with a more developed brain, I say no, like I did when I was 4. Only now I will give you more feedback to help us both grow. Only now I say no again and will keep saying no, regardless if you reject my no. Only now I try to make eye contact with you, show how sad this makes me feel and say:

No. This makes me feel unseen. If you continue to ignore my no then I want to stay far away from you as soon as I am old enough to flee once and for all. So please stop. Can we agree to seek help together for you and for me so that you get what you’re looking for through me? I do believe that with help, you’ll be less tense and won’t need distractions from reality for the rest of your life. I love you so much. Please stop! No, I don’t want to discover sexuality with you, yes, I want to discover my sexuality with whom I choose. I’m sorry if I gave you the impression that I want sex with you even though I’m years younger, I want to protect our purity. If I gave that impression, I retrospectively say: No, I’m not rejecting you as a person, sweetheart, I just want to protect our purity, so no. And again, no, and as many times as you need to hear no. Until you realize that my no means I do love you, even without you giving that sexual part of yourself. You don’t have to earn my love. I believe in your dreams and love you unconditionally. I’m sorry that the person who I symbolize didn’t love you unconditionally. Dare to be the hero in your own story, sweetheart. You got this!

Much love,


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