Deeply flawed


Since yesterday, I’ve been craving meat. I’ve noticed before that I have this craving when I’m PMSing. I have little meat at home and wasn’t planning on eating it today. I could make an exception for today and possibly brainstorm what kind of meat I’d like to eat on those PMS days, make it in advance, and freeze it. That way, I only have to heat it up when needed, instead of ordering food or snacking on meat meant for another meal. I wonder how to best deal with these monthly cravings in general and specifically today. I know I’d thoroughly enjoy the first few bites today and wonder if I’ll experience a huge dip afterward and how I could possibly prevent that. When I order, I feel little control over the portions and feel like I have to eat everything. I’m craving chicken pieces, spare ribs, and all sorts of dishes that contain them. From juicy roti to chicken wings.

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